
slug /docs/page
title Page


A Page inside Goku looks like this:

  .markdown = .{
    // Required
    .slug = "/",
    .content = "Welcome to the home page."
    // Optional
    .title = "Home page",
    .template = "home.html",

Goku is able to parse the yaml frontmatter and render the markdown content.

You can create the same page in your site by creating a file in your site's pages folder:

slug: /
title: Home page
template: home.html

Welcome to the home page.

Simplifying unique pages

Goku performs multiple render passes on your content: first, a template render, using mustache rendering, then a markdown render. This way, you can use all of mustache inside of your pages. When pages are unique, there's no need to create a shared template and split the content between page and template:

slug: /
title: Home page

<div class="hero">
  {{ title }}

Welcome to the home page.

:warning: Note: Goku only supports markdown with yaml frontmatter at this time. As the needs arise, Goku plans to support other page sources as well.