Getting started
To get started with Goku, you need to be able to run it. This page describes possible project structures and their ideal use cases. Skim this page for your ideal set-up.
Run Goku with the Zig build system
Prerequisites: A working Zig compiler (minimum version 0.13.0)
- Create a Zig project
- Add Goku to your dependencies in build.zig.zon
- Create a minimal goku site (pages/ and templates/page.html)
- Create a run step in your build.zig to use Goku to build your site
1. Create a Zig project
You can use zig init
to create a Zig project if you wish, but all you really need to do is create minimal build.zig and build.zig.zon files.
2. Add Goku to your dependencies
This will allow the Zig build system to locate Goku.
3. Create a minimal Goku site
Create these files.
slug: /
template: page.html
title: Home page
This is the home page.
<!doctype html><html><head>
{{& theme.head}}
<div class="container">
<div class="section">
<div class="title">{{title}}</div>
<div class="content">{{& content}}</div>
{{& theme.body}}
4. Create a run step in your build.zig
Your build.zig should look like this:
const std = @import("std");
const Goku = @import("goku").Goku;
pub fn build(b: *std.Build) !void {
const target = b.standardTargetOptions(.{});
const optimize = b.standardOptimizeOption(.{});
const goku_dep = b.dependency("goku", .{ .target = target, .optimize = optimize });
const site_source_path = b.path("site");
const site_dest_path = b.path("build");
const build_site =, goku_dep, site_source_path, site_dest_path);
const build_site_step = b.step("site", "Build the site");
const serve_site = Goku.serve(b, goku_dep, site_dest_path);
const serve_site_step = b.step("serve", "Serve the site");
Run Goku as a standalone binary
Binary releases are not currently available. The recommended way of using Goku at this time is by compiling a standalone binary for your machine with Zig.
Other ways of running Goku
Thinking of running Goku in some other way not listed here? Share your thoughts in the GitHub Issues in the Goku repo.